Have you ever wished you could support this site?
Of course not. But haven’t you wished for a way to consume hot liquids without drinking straight from the coffee maker?
Now I’ve got your attention.
For a small (and by no means expected or mandatory) contribution to the site, you’ll get an official Noiseless Chatter Incredimug as a way of saying thanks. And these things are…kinda awesome. Seriously; they’re pretty rockin’ quality.
They’re very sturdy, and I’ve been using mine for a few weeks. It’s a great little vessel, and if you’re ever feeling lonely the glorious golden visage of Mr. Fabiola (THAT IS THE NAME OF THE ROBOT) will be more than happy to listen to your problems.
It also features the URL of the site, in case you forget it or want to start some awkward conversations at work.
The cost is $18, and I apologize for that. It’s a solid, weighty mug, which I like…but it means that more than half of that cost is shipping. Speaking of which, that only applies to addresses within the continental U.S. If you live in another country (or those two states we don’t talk about) you might be out of luck for now. Sorry. If you really, really want one, and don’t mind paying way too much to ship a coffee mug to your house, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.
For now, though? If you ever wanted to show your appreciation in a way that supports the site and nets you one fuck of a coffee mug (wine fits in it, too), you really can’t go wrong.
Honestly, thanks for reading. The fact that I have such a stellar audience means more to me than selling a mug ever could. But the more money this site brings in, the less time I have to spend freelancing, which means I can post here more often, so there’s that.
One thing’s for sure: you’ll never meet anyone else who has one. If you do, though, smash it so they have to buy another.
THE OFFICIAL NOISELESS CHATTER INCREDIMUG: $18 (includes shipping, continental US only
To buy click this thing below. All major credit cards accepted, I think. Ships within 2-3 days.
I’m an alcoholic. How about a pint glass?
Arg! Ya built it up and then crushed me! Australia’s a long way to send a mug.
Give me one for free.
Awesome for coffee :D
No liquids. I’m terribly allergic to them.
The framed CWC drawing in the background speaks volumes.