Just a few me-related things that went up while I was away in Wes Anderson land. Click the video and read along!
– Emily Suess interviewed me regarding my experience with iUniverse Publishing. It’s not a topic I discuss often, but I was more than happy to work with her on this. Includes a small story about the night I met Jeffrey Eugenides…and stay tuned, because I might have some real publishing-related stuff to reveal soon.
– Location3 Media has published some great writeups about service members in our families. They included the piece I wrote about my grandfather. Happy Memorial Day.
– Our friend Dave Black wrote about this blog twice. Check out his posts: “Does This Seem Fake?” and Fox Pops.
– The Mean (But Accurate) Folks at Dead Homer Society included a link to one of our posts in their Reading Digest: Not Worth Reading Edition. A ringing endorsement if there ever was one!
More on-site content to come. I promise.